Category Archives: Life

Life is?

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Alright people! A thought about life.

I have heard it called a lot of things… even a box of chocolates, but I think life is like a new calendar. When you get it there are a couple of bank holidays and nothing else. It is down to you to put stuff in it, otherwise it looks very sad.

Time doesn’t stop because your calendar is empty. Get out there and put stuff in it,  otherwise you will have an empty calendar and an empty life.

Your ever loving Punk x

Monday Morning

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There is nothing worse than waking up on Monday morning and realising you have got to go to school. Even thinking about it makes me want to cry!

But hang on in there my people….. it is just a few weeks to the summer, where school disappears, teachers go off to their caves,  and every day is an adventure to be shared with you best friends.

Death to school…..  Long live the summer!

Your ever loving Poots xxx


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Hello my peoples, how’s tricks?

I know I haven’t posted for quite a while, and I know you missed me desperately, but to be completely honest I couldn’t be bothered.

However I am back, wiser and smarter than ever.

Things……. Don’t get me wrong I like things, well some things anyway, but life now revolves around things, and not people. You are told that you will be a happier better person if you buy more things that you don’t need. The more expensive the things, the happier you will be!

When you sit back and think about it, it’s nuts, but people don’t have time to do that because they need to work to earn more money to buy more things. So instead of having a great time being with friends and family, people are toiling to buy a new something.

Have a think about that my friends…. if you have the time.

Catch ya.


(Profit, sage and cool penguin)



Poots imageNot made a post for a while, I have been trying to read a book, which has taken a lot longer than I thought it would. There must have been 12 words or even more… ridiculus.

Anyway I was going to ask about wet weather…… what’s it for?

I wil leave you with that question whilst I go to find a some fish.



Life (生活)……. and other things!

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I haven’t written anything for a while so thought I would put pen to paper (or finger to plastic keyboard).

Isn’t ‘Life’ a funny old thing? A couple of negative things have happened to me recently, and it makes you think a little.

First, I damaged my left football boot, and then I dropped my favorite mug, and just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse I lost my pocket money when messing around on the fields with the rest of the Snow Falls Gang.

It made me feel like everything was against me. Punk against the World!

But when you sit back and think about it a little, that’s rubbish. Life is great and you need to get on with it. You could look for the negative in everything and spend the rest of your life being miserable, or you could look for the positive and get on with it, having a cracking time on the way.

As I always say “Life doesn’t stop if you decide you want to get off”.

So , I get to ask for some football boots, save for that mug with the cute minion on it and as for my pocket money, it was worth losing it to be able to play with my friends. Plus I know I will find it the next time I am having a great time with the Gang over at the fields.

Stay positive my peoples, and enjoy the roller coaster of Life.

Catch ya soon!
