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Hello my peoples, how’s tricks?

I know I haven’t posted for quite a while, and I know you missed me desperately, but to be completely honest I couldn’t be bothered.

However I am back, wiser and smarter than ever.

Things……. Don’t get me wrong I like things, well some things anyway, but life now revolves around things, and not people. You are told that you will be a happier better person if you buy more things that you don’t need. The more expensive the things, the happier you will be!

When you sit back and think about it, it’s nuts, but people don’t have time to do that because they need to work to earn more money to buy more things. So instead of having a great time being with friends and family, people are toiling to buy a new something.

Have a think about that my friends…. if you have the time.

Catch ya.


(Profit, sage and cool penguin)


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