Tag Archives: Poots

Homework excuses for the weekend

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I am very sorry that my post for homework excuses is so late, but I have spent the whole weekend coming up with something special.

But this has given me an idea.

“I am so sorry Sir/Miss (delete as appropriate), I only had 2 days for the weekend, and I had to spend all of my available time coming up with a great excuse for not being able to complete my homework to its normal high standard. “

I would call this is an excuse of last resort, and should only be used in an emergency. It may result in detention but you may get away with it due to the element of honesty. I would also use one of your best smiles at the end!

Homework excuses for the weekend

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After last week’s excuse used the rain, I think we should stay on nature, so why don’t we go for the wind. This one is a winner, so if it doesn’t work, you haven’t told it right.

“I am so sorry Sir/Miss (delete as appropriate), but after completing all of my homework to an incredibly high standard, I decided to go out into the garden to show my work to the homework Gods and thank them for their help. As I held the work up to show them, a gust of wind took the paper from my hand and blew it up into very large tree. I thought I would be able to get a ladder and reach the ‘A+’ work, that is until a squirrel sprang out of nowhere and grabbed the work, smiled at me and bounced off to use it as a duvet.”